Your day-to-day transmission

NaTran calculates your operational capacity for each gas day based on the capacities subscribed. By 2.30 p.m. on the day before, you know the state of your capacities portfolio for the following gas day for the different contractual points.

>> Operational diagram of the network with coded points [new]

You can use your capacities according to the following process: 

  • Forecasts 
    Your nominations forecast for each gas day can be send up to 6 months before the gas day in question. Monthly forecasts must be updated, at latest, by the 25th day of the current month (month M) for the following month (month M+1).
  • Nominations
    Every day, before 2 p.m. on day before (day D-1), you send your nominations for the following gas day (day D).
  • Scheduling
    Based on this information, NaTran carries out several operations (in particular checking your operational capacities and matching with adjacent operators) and sets your program accordingly.
    This program can be modified up to 3 a.m. on the gas day in question by sending NaTran your new nominations.

    >> Find out more about nominations and scheduling [new]

    You can also visit the CORe (items E.1.1, E.1.2 and E.1.3) for more detailed information about forecasts, nominations and scheduling.   
  • Quantity allocations 
    The day after the gas day in question before 1p.m. (day D+1), the quantities allocated are communicated to shippers at the different network points. 

    >> Find out more about allocations 

NaTran provides round-the-clock operational support for managing the transmission of your gas on the network.

>> Find out more about the operational service outside of business hours

Each shipper is subject to a balancing obligation on a daily basis for the whole for the balancing zone, namely that of Trading Region France (TRF). Every gas day, shippers must take off as much gas as they deliver.  

Imbalance settlements are set based on NaTran interventions on the exchange. NaTran offers shippers the Alizés service, which allows them to avoid paying the imbalance penalty on days when NaTran does not intervene.   

>> Balancing and the Alizés service - January, 2024 
>> NaTran interventions on the Powernext Gas Spot exchange 

Balancing income statements :

Trading Region France (TRF) is the result of a combination of optimised investments in the network, and complementary mechanisms for managing residual limits Congestions on the network and the activation of mechanisms to resolve them can be seen on Smart GRTgaz. 

>> The vigilance system and triggering of congestion management mechanisms [new]
>> List of limits and superpoints [new]
>> TRF operational indicators 

The main mechanism used to resolve congestions is the locational spread - a call for tenders during the gas day via the exchange, which is open to all shippers. The selected shippers must modify their flows in exchange for compensation. 

>> The locational spread 
>> Locational spread - 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2020

The mechanism of last resort is mutualised restriction, which involves a partial cutting of firm capacities for a group of points known as “superpoints”. This gives you greater flexibility. Superpoints are also used in the case of works. As this restriction takes place during the gas day, you should review your guaranteed Allocated Operational Capacity (COA) to understand your rights.

Finally, situations in which the above mechanisms would be ineffective may in theory occur, in particular for storage facilities downstream of the network limits that are sparsely filled in winter. In this situation, a Flow Commitment service allows the TSOs to contract for gas delivery downstream of the limits to avoid congestion. During winter, the two TSOs publish an indicator for monitoring the level of filling of these storage facilities.

>> Flow Commitment Service 
>> Flow commitment – contractual framework

NaTran maintains and inspects its facilities on a regular basis out of concern for safety and environmental protection. NaTran is committed to carrying out these works to the highest possible standard. Nevertheless, these can sometimes have consequences for the operational availability of the entry/exit capacities.   

To minimise the impact of restrictions, NaTran has implemented superpoints. These mutualise restrictions on a group of points, allowing greater flexibility in the use of your points. Superpoints are also used in the case of bottlenecks for mutualised restriction.  

>> Superpoints [new]

Reference work program

  • Reference works programs 
    The reference works program published in March of Year N constitutes a commitment by NaTran towards its customers. This program can still be amended, with a notification period of 2 months prior to the start of the works. The level of restriction changes up to 5 days (D-5) before the start of the works in question. 
    Each shipper can access their restrictions on a daily basis via their ingrid portal. The works program  can also be viewed on Smart GRTgaz. This information is updated daily. 

    >> Works and the impact on operational capacity

Gas operators (transmission, storage, LNG terminals) publish their maintenance operations as part of a joint works program . See NaTran’s provisional program and the program  of other operators on the ODRé platform.

NaTran provides you with an overview of the 2024 maintenance schedule:

>> Consult the presentation

NaTran also offers you a file produced jointly with Storengy which provides a simple visual image of the impact of NaTran and Storengy restrictions on storage filling :

>> Storage filling 2024

Provisional works program  for the following year

Before the official March publication of the works programme for year N+1, NaTran publishes a provisional program in October of year N on ingrid portal, for information purposes only.

NaTran also offers you a file produced jointly with Storengy which provides a simple visual image of the impact of NaTran and Storengy restrictions on storage filling :

>> Storage filling 2025