Accessibility Statement
NaTran undertakes to make its website accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.
To this end, it shall implement the strategy and actions detailed in its multi-year plan which is currently being drawn up.
This declaration of accessibility applies to
Compliance status
NaTran is in partial compliance with the general framework for improving accessibility. The non-conformities are listed below.
Test results
The compliance audit carried out by Numerik-ea reveals that the average compliance rate is 52.24%:
- 35 compliant criteria
- 39 non-compliant criteria
- 32 non-applicable criteria
Non-accessible content
The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons.
Several elements of non-compliance are described in this document, some of which are recurrent on several pages:
- 1.2 Is each decorative image correctly ignored by assistive technologies?
- 1.3 For each information-carrying image having a textual alternative, is this alternative relevant (except in special cases)?
- 2.1 Does each frame have a frame title?
- 3.1 In each web page, information should not be given only by color. Is this rule respected?
- 3.2 In each web page, is the contrast between the color of the text and the color of its background high enough (except in special cases)?
- 3.3 In each web page, are the colors used in the interface components or graphic elements carrying information sufficiently contrasted (except in special cases)?
- 4.1 Does each pre-recorded time-based media have, if necessary, a textual transcription or audio description (except in special cases)?
- 4.4 For each pre-recorded synchronized time-based media that has synchronized captions, are those captions relevant?
- 6.1 Is each link explicit (except in special cases)?
- 7.1 Is each script, if necessary, compatible with assistive technologies?
- 7.4 For each script that initiates a context switch, is the user notified or does he have control?
- 7.5 In each web page, are the status messages correctly rendered by assistive technologies?
- 8.2 For each web page, is the generated source code valid according to the specified document type (except in special cases)?
- 8.9 On each web page, tags should not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected?
- 9.1 On each web page, is the information structured by the appropriate use of headings?
- 9.3 In each web page, is each list correctly structured?
- 10.1 On the website, are style sheets used to control the presentation of information?
- 10.2 In each web page, does the visible content carrying information remain present when the style sheets are deactivated?
- 10.3 In each web page, does the information remain understandable when the style sheets are deactivated?
- 10.4 In each web page, does the text remain readable when the character size is increased up to 200%, at least (except in special cases)?
- 10.6 In each web page, is each link whose nature is not obvious visible in relation to the surrounding text?
- 10.7 In each web page, for each element receiving the focus, is the focus visible?
- 10.8 For each web page, is the hidden content intended to be ignored by assistive technologies?
- 11.1 Does each form field have a label?
- 11.9 In each form, is the title of each button relevant (except in special cases)?
- 11.11 In each form, is the entry check accompanied, if necessary, with suggestions to facilitate the correction of entry errors?
- 11.13 Can the purpose of an input field be inferred to facilitate automatic filling of fields with user data?
- 12.6 Can content grouping areas found on multiple web pages (header, main navigation, main content, footer and search engine areas) be reached or avoided?
- 12.8 Is the tab order consistent on each web page?
- 13.3 On each web page, does each office document for download have, if necessary, an accessible version (except in special cases)?
- 13.8 In each web page, is each moving or flashing content controllable by the user?
- 13.9 In each web page, is the proposed content viewable regardless of the orientation of the screen (portrait or landscape) (except in special cases)?
Derogations for disproportionate loading
- Files available in desktop formats published before September 23, 2018;
- Third party content which is neither financed nor developed by the organization concerned and which is not under its control.
Content not subject to the obligation of accessibility
No content not subject to the accessibility obligation.
Establishment of this declaration of accessibility
Establishment of this declaration of accessibility
This statement was made on 24/05/2020.
Technologies used for the creation of the website:
- JavaScript
The tests of the web pages were performed with the following combinations of user agents and screen readers:
- NVDA, Firefox
- Jaws , Firefox
- Voiceover, Safari
The following tools were used in the evaluation :
- WCAG contrast checker
- HeadingsMap
- Web developer
- ARC Toolkit
- PAC (PDF Accessibility Checker)
Pages of the site having been the subject of the verification of conformity:
- Home page:
- Site map:
- Accessibility :
- Legal notices:
- Contact's form:
- Your contacts at NaTran:
- Employee testimonials :
- Network & land-use planning:
- NaTran in brief :
- Publications:
- Benefits:
- Our belief: it’s in our hands :
- You are a natural gas consumer:
- Existing NaTran customers:
- Mediathèque:
- Search:
Feedback and contact
If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.
Contact the communication department:
Contact the communication department
This procedure is to be applied in the following case:You have reported to the website manager a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing any of the content or services of the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.
- Write a message to the Defender of Rights
- Contact the Advocate's delegate in your region
- Send a mail by post (free of charge, do not put a stamp)
Défenseur des droits Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07