Your capacities and services

The upstream network

The Title Transfer Point (PEG) allows you to freely trade gas on the network by purchasing/selling over-the-counter or on the European Energy Exchange (EEX).. It allows gas transfer with no physical constraints through your nominations.

Access subscriptions to the PEG are made on a yearly basis. They begin on the 1st day of a month, and require prior notification of a least 7 business days. Tariffs for access to the PEG includes an annual subscription term as well as a term in proportion to the quantities exchanged.

European operators map - Access to the PEG

NaTran markets daily capacities (in MWh/day) on an annual, quarterly, monthly and daily basis:

  • Firm capacity, the use of which NaTran guarantees in normal operating conditions,
  • Interruptible capacity, the availability of which depends mainly on consumption and the network configuration.

NaTran also offers other specific capacities:

  • Backhaul capacities:
    A backhaul capacity is an entry or exit capacity at a network interconnection point (PIR)in the opposite direction to the physical direction of the flows at the point. A backhaul capacity is available if there are sufficient physical flows in the opposite direction. 
  • Conversion capacities:
    NaTran provides a service to convert L-quality gas to H-quality gas.

Capacities are auctioned on PRISMA according to the marketing procedures described in the Capacity Allocation Mechanism (CAM) network code.  

To simplify the reservation process, NaTran proposes so-called “bundled” capacities in collaboration with other transporters: you can subscribe capacity on the two adjacent networks via a single subscription in PRISMA. NaTran provides you with a capacities substitution offer to remedy any subscription imbalances from one side or other of the border.  

You can also obtain additional capacities beyond your capacity portfolio using short-term mechanisms such as UBI ("Use it and Buy it").  
Finally, you also benefit from a PIR capacity exchange service (full transfer or rights-of-use transfer), which can be accessed from the PRISMA Secondary platform.  

Process of non binding demand for incremental capacity between France and Belgium / Germany:

According to the European regulation, interested Parties are invited to address their Non-Binding Demand Indications ti NaTran between July 4th and August 28th 2023.

>> Find out more

Sur les PITS, les capacités d’entrée/de sortie sont allouées automatiquement en fonction des capacités d’injection/soutirage souscrites auprès de l’opérateur de stockage Storengy.

For PITTM, the entry capacities allocated on the NaTran network are determined based on the regasification volume subscribed with the LNG terminal operator. Capacities are allocated automatically for the PITTM located at Montoir, Fos and Le Havre, allocated by the shipper for the Dunkirk LNG PITTM.

Capacities on the downstream network

NaTran markets capacities on an annual, monthly and daily basis:

  • Firm capacities, the use of which NaTran guarantees in normal operating conditions
  • Interruptible capacities, the availability of which mainly depends on consumption and the network configuration.

At Regional Network Interconnection Points (PIRR) for deliveries to the regional transmission network:

>> Regional network tariff principles
>> List of PIRR - April 1, 2020

  • At Transport Distribution Interface Points (PITD) for delivery to customers connected to a distribution network. Subscriptions are by default. NaTran allocates capacities to you directly based on the downstream subscriptions made on the distribution network.
    >> PITD subscription principles 
    >> List of PITD including tariff elements - January 1, 2025
  • Consumer Delivery Points (PLC) for consumption sites connected directly to the NaTran transmission network. The delivery capacity subscribed (annually, monthly, or daily) gives the right to an hourly delivery capacity equal to a maximum of 5% of the daily subscribed capacity (provided that the hourly capacity is available).

Capacity subscriptions are made via the ingrid website.
>> List of consumers connected to the transmission network - January 1, 2025
>> Capacity subscription principles and changes to your subscriptions

Transfer of rights-of-use for Consumer Delivery Points

If you are an industrial customer, you can subscribe delivery capacities on your own site (Consumer Delivery Point, or PLC) and transfer the usage to an assigned shipper. This transfers the capacity rights-of-use.

>> Transfer of rights-of-use for Consumer Delivery Points

Downstream network services

To help manage your delivery capacity intended to supply a new site, NaTran gives you the option of adjusting delivery capacities during the first year.

NaTran offers a short-notice capacity subscription service. This service is intended for shippers that supply industrial consumers that may have urgent, one-off gas consumption needs in excess of their annual and monthly delivery capacity.

Some end customers’ sites have high levels of natural gas consumption and significant variation in consumption over the course of the day, known as “intraday modulation”.

A site is said to be “highly modulated” when it shows a daily modulated volume in excess of 0.8 GWh/d per operating day.

NaTran offers a specific intraday flexibility service for these “highly modulated” sites.

Under certain conditions, merging of annual regional transmission capacity and annual delivery capacity may be authorised for two consumer delivery points.

Merging involves one of the two consumer delivery points being able to use a portion of the firm capacity subscribed for the other consumer delivery point, if the latter is not using it. This service is free of charge. 

To be eligible for the offer, the two delivery points must:

  • Be located on the same industrial site and connected to the same branch of the regional network,

  • Have a downstream industrial link allowing transfers of natural gas consumption to take place between them,

  • Be supplied by the same shipper and have the same regional transmission tariff terms.