NaTran (formerly GRTgaz) announces its rebrand with a multi-channel communications campaign

Thursday 6 February - Presentation of our communications campaign: « Le chemin de la transition énergétique »
Campagne de communication NaTran - février 2025

Twenty years since it was founded, GRTgaz is embarking on a new chapter and is becoming NaTran. This name change goes hand in hand with a new aim: to become Europe's leading operator for transporting renewable gases, hydrogen and CO2 in view of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. To publicise its new identity, NaTran is rolling out a communications campaign – “Le chemin de la transition énergétique” (the path to the energy transition) – which will be broadcast primarily on TV and radio, as well as on social media starting on Sunday 9 February.

A new name reflecting NaTran's identity and goals

The NaTran brand, with its industrial and technological connotations, comes after a long internal process, in consultation with external bodies. The brand conveys our core business as a NATional gas TRANsport operator, as well as our societal commitments to protecting NATure and promoting the energy TRANsition. It is also a reflection of NaTran's commitment to becoming Europe's leading operator for transporting renewable gases, hydrogen and CO2 in view of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This goal fully aligns with NaTran's new corporate project.

The new visual identity highlights the company's activity as an infrastructure operator, with a dynamic central “T”, symbolising a network that is on the move and able to keep pace with the energy transition.

The brand's strapline – “le coeur de vos énergies” (at the heart of your energies) – emphasises the company's central role in the energy network, connecting up all stakeholders involved in the gas supply chain (shippers, distributors, biomethane producers, LNG terminals, interconnection points with other European countries), while at the same time balancing the French gas system.

The yellow in the brand’s name, a colour of positivity and energy, connotes the yellow markers which discreetly let people know where the gas networks are that criss-cross France.

"This campaign, which tells the story of the gas transition, symbolises our network, our presence throughout France
and our commitment to embracing the challenge posed by the energy transition,
shoulder to shoulder with our stakeholders.”

Patrick Germain

Director of the NaTran communications

TV adverts: Le chemin de la transition énergétique

A 360-degree campaign to promote the new brand

La nouvelle campagne intitulée « Le chemin de la transition énergétique » structure le récit autour de la transformation du réseau de NaTran pour accueillir toujours plus de gaz renouvelables, de l’hydrogène bas carbone et du CO2 capté. La campagne met en scène une randonneuse qui suit le réseau NaTran et prend la direction de la transition énergétique.

Cette première prise de parole par NaTran adopte un ton humain et un registre de proximité cohérent avec le rôle de tiers de confiance de l’entreprise.

« Une marque, c’est un nom, une couleur, un logo, mais aussi une histoire et un univers de marque. Avec notre projet d’entreprise NaTran2030, nous consacrerons 50% d’investissements annuels à la transition énergétique en 2030. Nous souhaitons porter une ambition forte : continuer à faire battre demain le cœur du système gazier français à l’unisson de la transition énergétique. Cette campagne, qui raconte l’histoire de la transition gazière, symbolise notre réseau, notre présence sur le territoire et notre engagement à relever le défi de la transition énergétique aux côtés de nos parties prenantes. » déclare Patrick GERMAIN, directeur de la communication de NaTran.

Key visuals available in 3 thematic versions (biomethane, hydrogen, security of supply):

Key visuals available in 3 thematic versions (biomethane, hydrogen, security of supply)

Media plan for the “Le chemin de la transition énergétique” campaign

  • Date: 9 February to 2 March
  • TV adverts: 30 seconds and 20 seconds
  • One key visual available in three themed versions (biomethane, hydrogen, energy security)
  • Media plan: TV, radio, press and digital
  • Target audiences: opinion formers and company stakeholders
  • Agencies: TBWA\Corporate (campaign), Biggie (media), Carré Noir (brand)

Press contact

Chafia Baci
+33 (0)6 40 48 54 40

To go further

NaTran Logo

GRTgaz becomes NaTran

GRTgaz becomes NaTran to meet the challenge of transporting all the gases that are part of the energy transition.