You are a local authority
A local authority’s obligations towards NaTran’s facilities depend on the role that the authority has in the planned works or the operation of the network.
A four-fold responsibility
As a local authority, you must take on several roles:
- Project manager, if you are planning to carry out works: to find out more, see our page dedicated to development projects leaders and to land-use planning (in particular cases of public-access building projects (ERP) and high-rise building projects (IGH)).
- Works provider, if your technical services themselves require works to be carried out
- Network operator, if you own the network or if you have not delegated its operation to a private operator. As well as these, there is the role of providing information to citizens under your administration. You must inform them of their regulatory obligations and the procedures to following regarding declarations of works. All the details are available on the networks and pipelines One-Call System website.
If you declare works as project manager
You must declare you works projects to network operators located near to your future worksite.
Four stages:
- Identify yourself on the networks and pipelines One-Call System website.
- Demarcate the future worksite.
- Complete the Declaration of Proposed Works (DT) forms and send them to each operator affected by your worksite. The purpose of this is to bring to light any possible incompatibilities between your project and the existing network.
- GRTgaz has 9 days to respond to you (the deadline is extended to 15 days if sent by post). Beyond a timeframe of 3 months, you must renew your DT.
There is no obligation to complete a DT in the case of emergency works. However, you can consult the networks and pipelines One-Call System website to find out if a network of high-pressure natural gas pipelines is located nearby. If pipelines are present, you may not begin work until you have contacted GRTgaz and obtained the applicable safety instructions.
If you declare works as the entity performing the works
Before starting any works on private or public land, you must consult the networks and pipelines One-call System website to find out if there are any high-pressure gas pipelines present and declare your future site using the DICT (Declaration of Intention to Commence Works) form.
There are 4 stages to this declaration:
- Identify yourself on the networks and pipelines One-Call System website.
- Outline the area of your planned works site on the website
- Fill in a DICT form.
- Send the DICT form to each operator affected by your site.
GRTgaz then has 7 days to reply to you (9 days for hard copy forms).
If more than 3 months have passed, you must send a new DICT.
These provisions also apply to any of your subcontractors.
Identify yourself on the networks and pipelines One-Call System website
You are a network operator
Authenticate yourself on the networks and pipelines One-Call System website to reference your network.
There are two possible ways to do this:
- With an electronic authentication certificate provided by the Ministry of the Interior via the French National Agency for Secure Identity Documents (
- With a username and password provided by the Ministry of Sustainable Development.
After registering the installation zones for your active networks, you must then declare all creations or modifications (extension, reduction, disuse, etc.).
As the network operator, you receive DT forms sent by project managers and DICT forms sent by those in charge of the works. Response deadlines are 9 days for DTs (15 days if in hard copy) and 7 days for DICTs (9 days if in hard copy). You have 15 additional days if you organise a meeting at the site to identify the network with the person or entity making the declaration.
Your response should include all useful recommendations and location data so that the works can be carried out in full safety.