Energy Identification Codes
EIC system presentation
In order to ensure efficient data exchanges within the European energy market, ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) implemented a common standard identification scheme: the EIC codes (Energy Identification Codes).
EIC codification scheme as well as the administrative organization for the EIC system are managed by ENTSO-E as Central issuing office (CIO).
Gas and electricity entities’ referencing is ensured by Local issuing offices (LIO). These LIOs operate at a national scale and are responsible for the allocation and management of EIC codes.
Since the 1st of July 2017, NaTran has been a Local issuing office whose LIO code is “63” (all the EIC codes delivered by NaTran start with these two digits: “63”). NaTran’ issuing office deals with every gas actor operating in France who ask for a EIC referencing for the first time.
Electricity market entities continue to deal with RTE who has been the historical LIO for the French market.
For any further information, you can visit ENTSO-E website as well as the reference manual « THE ENERGY IDENTIFICATION CODING SCHEME (EIC) REFERENCE MANUAL ».
Asking for EIC identification
You are asking for a EIC reference code?
You are wondering if you already have a EIC reference code or you cannot find it anymore?
Please contact the Local issuing office in charge of the country where you are operating (RTE or NaTran in France). You can also browse local registries from the different LIOs.
EIC types and local registry
You can download the local registry with all the active local EIC codes allocated by NaTran.
Here are the different EIC codes that you may find:
- X Type (Party): Allows to identify System Operators, shippers, traders, producers, consumers, power exchanges, network operators, suppliers, agents, service providers…
- Y Type (Area): Allows to identify local grids where metering points are located, market balance areas consisting of a number of local grids, control areas, domain…
- Z Type (Measurement Point): Allows to identify cross border connections, metering points, settlement or accounting points…
- W Type (Resource Object): Allows to identify production or consumption resource such as power plants, production units, generation units, gas storage… Excluded are the passive elements in the grid, e.g. lines or transformers.
- T Type (Tie-line): Allows to identify connecting objects such as interconnection lines, lines, busbar-couples, transformers, etc.
- V Type (Location): Allows to identify the physical or logical place of an EIC participant or to identify the IT system. This code can serve to identify the servers for Flow-Based for example.
- A Type (Substations): Allows to identify the substations (stations, passive nodes,...).
For the international codes or those that are not on our website, please refer to the ENTSO-E website.
Disclaimer on published EIC and VAT codes
The objective of this Internet page is to allow persons involved in the energy market to get information on the Energy Identification Code (EIC) necessary to carry out electronic data interchange (EDI).
In no event shall NaTran be liable for any damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of any use of the information obtained using this site. In particular, VAT codes are only provided for information purposes and it is the responsibility of the party to assess the validity using for example the Taxations and Customs Union web site.
In addition, our goal is to minimize disruption caused by technical errors. However, some data or information on this page may have been created or structured in files or formats which are not error-free and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. NaTran accepts no liability with regard to such problems incurred as a result of using this site or any linked external sites.