Your supply

All the details on our supply

Our NaTran network

The NaTran upstream network is made up of a single entry-exit zone: Trading Region France (TRF). Within this zone, the Gas Exchange Point (PEG) acts as a virtual marketplace allowing for the free exchange of gas.

>> upstream network

Our supply plan for your site

To manage the supply of your site, NaTran offers several plans tailored to your needs: Integral, Active and Solo.


Supply plan for your site scheme

>> List of balanced shippers 

Your customised transmission contract

If you opt for the "Active" or "Solo" plan, you must sign a transmission contract with NaTran. In doing so, you become a "commercial shipper". This is a "modular" contract, made up of optional sections depending on your profile.

Customised transmission contract scheme

>> View all sections of the transmission contract

We ensure the availability of your capacity

To ensure the future availability of your transmission capacities on the regional network, you can sign a CRAC (Advanced Reservation Contract for Transmission Capacity on the regional natural gas transmission network).

This contract determines the conditions under which:

  • NaTran undertakes to provide transmission of natural gas over the regional network to supply your installations at the agreed date,
  • You undertake to ensure that you – or a shipper – subscribe to the transmission capacities reserved for the agreed date, for a period of 10 years of more, as part of one or more transmission contracts,
  • You undertake to agree a connection and delivery contract for your site. You may benefit from the Development Discount reducing your contribution to the financing of the connection facilities.

>> Development Discount simulator

You are automatically eligible for the CRAC if the price for transmission over the regional network and delivery is more than €200,000 (excl. VAT) per year.

The CRAC must be signed no later than four months after the connection proposal is submitted by NaTran.

If you are starting up a new site or a new process, or if you have intermittent gas consumption requirements, NaTran offers tailored solutions to help manage your supply.

  • If you have intermittent gas consumption requirements over and above your usual consumption
    The short-notice daily capacity subscription service enables you to meet an urgent and intermittent requirement greater than the initial subscribed delivery capacity.
    You can subscribe or have your shipper subscribe to the daily capacity required to meet your needs.
  • If you are starting up a new site
    If you about to start a new site connected to the natural gas transmission network, NaTran's "New site start-up" service allows you to adjust your delivery capacities throughout your first year of consumption.
  • You would like to benefit from merging
    Merging offers a consumer delivery point the chance to use a portion of the firm subscribed capacity for another consumer delivery point, as long as the latter is not using it. This service is free of charge.
    Under certain conditions, this merging of annual regional transmission capacity and annual delivery capacity may be authorised for two consumer delivery points.
    To be eligible for the offer, the two delivery points must:
    • be located on the same industrial site and connected to the same branch of the regional network,
    • have a downstream industrial link allowing transfers of natural gas consumption to take place between them,
    • be supplied by the same shipper and have the same regional transmission tariff terms.

Biomethane comes from the transformation of organic matter. It is the leading form of renewable gas energy.

Consuming biomethane at your site allows you to reduce your CO2 emissions, to offer biosourced products to your customers, and to enhance the image of your company.

Biomethane gives you access to renewable energy without having to modify your facilities, while retaining the opportunities presented by natural gas.

What purchase agreement? 

Purchase of biomethane and Guarantee of Origin from gas supplier 

  • The price of biomethane and GO is +3 to +15 €/MWh compared to natural gas, according to the Guarantee of Origin (FR/EU, sustainable/unsustainable) and the supplier’s commercial offer (duration, volumes, commitments) 
  • French GO from production facilities benefiting from a purchase tariff can erase Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions under EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) according to the conditions defined in Decree no. 2022-1540 of 8 December 2022 on guarantees of origin of biogas injected into natural gas networks.
    >> Learn more about the decree
  • Sustainable European SM, on the other hand, would eliminate GHG emissions under ETS as of April 1, 2023, when European registries are expected to be connected.

Purchase of Guarantee of Origin only

Purchase of biomethane from the live producer: BPA (Biomethane Purchase Agreement) 

  • The consumer contracts directly with a productor for the purchase of biomethane, usually for a long-term contract.
  • The price of biomethane with GO ranges from €45/MWh to over €100/MWh for new production sites.
  • Biomethane sold through BPA will need to be sourced from new facilities that do not have or more purchase rates or volumes produced beyond the purchase rate quantity.
  • Not yet deployed in France but existing in Europe (ex: Spain)
  • The sustainable French GO generated in this way make it possible to erase GHG emissions under ETS as specified in Decree no. 2022-1540 of 8 December 2022 on guarantees of origin of biogas injected into natural gas networks.

Purchase of biomethane from a supplier with a Biogas Production Certificate 

  • Modalities are being defined for deployment no earlier than 2025/26


Catalogue de prestations clients
Commercial brochures

Catalogue of services as of 1 July 2024

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Optimize your facilities and reduce your environmental footprint